
LightPerceptron Documentation


The LightPerceptron class implements a memory-efficient binary classifier designed specifically for initial text classification in clustering workflows. This implementation focuses on action/non-action classification without state persistence, optimized for retraining scenarios.

Table of Contents

  • Installation

  • Quick Start

  • Class Reference

  • Implementation Details

  • Performance Considerations

  • Examples

  • Integration with Preprocessor

  • Best Practices


# Copy to your project
from perceptron import LightPerceptron
import numpy as np  # Required dependency

Required dependencies: numpy

Quick Start

# Initialize perceptron with input size matching vocabulary
perceptron = LightPerceptron(input_size=1000)

# Training with sparse vectors
training_data = [
    ([1, 4, 7], 1),    # Action (indices where vector is 1)
    ([2, 5, 8], 0),    # Non-action
perceptron.train(training_data, is_sparse=True)

# Make predictions
result = perceptron.predict_sparse([1, 4, 7], total_size=1000)
print(f"Classification: {'Action' if result == 1 else 'Non-action'}")

Class Reference


LightPerceptron(input_size: int, learning_rate: float = 0.1)
  • input_size: Dimension of input vectors (matches vocabulary size)

  • learning_rate: Step size for weight updates during training

Core Methods

predict_sparse(active_indices: List[int], total_size: int) → int

Makes prediction from sparse input representation.

  • Input:

    • active_indices: Indices where vector has value 1

    • total_size: Total vector dimension

  • Output: 1 (action) or 0 (non-action)

  • Time Complexity: O(k) where k is number of active indices

predict_dense(input_vector: List[float]) → int

Makes prediction from dense input vector.

  • Input: Full input vector

  • Output: 1 (action) or 0 (non-action)

  • Time Complexity: O(n) where n is input size

train(training_data, is_sparse=True, max_epochs=100, early_stop=True) → None

Trains perceptron on labeled data.

  • Input:

    • training_data: List of (features, label) pairs

    • is_sparse: Whether input uses sparse representation

    • max_epochs: Maximum training iterations

    • early_stop: Whether to stop when fully converged

  • Time Complexity: O(e * d * n) where:

    • e is number of epochs

    • d is number of training examples

    • n is input dimension (or k for sparse inputs)

Implementation Details

Data Structures

  • weights: numpy array of feature weights

  • bias: Scalar bias term

  • Input formats supported:

    • Sparse (indices of 1s)

    • Dense (full vector)

Training Process

  1. Initialize zero weights

  2. For each epoch:

    • Predict each training example

    • Update weights when predictions are wrong

    • Track errors for early stopping

  3. Stop when:

    • No errors found (if early_stop=True)

    • Max epochs reached


# Prediction
activation = Σ(weights[i] * input[i]) + bias
prediction = 1 if activation > 0 else 0

# Weight Update
weights += learning_rate * error * input
bias += learning_rate * error

Performance Considerations

Memory Efficiency

  • Sparse input support reduces memory usage

  • No storage of training history

  • Numpy for efficient array operations

Processing Speed

  • Early stopping reduces training time

  • Optimized sparse operations

  • Minimal memory allocations


  • Retrains each time (speed vs persistence)

  • Binary output only (simplicity vs granularity)

  • Linear decision boundary (speed vs complexity)


Basic Classification

# Initialize
perceptron = LightPerceptron(input_size=1000)

# Dense vector training
dense_training = [
    ([0, 1, 0, 1, 0], 1),
    ([1, 0, 1, 0, 0], 0)
perceptron.train(dense_training, is_sparse=False)

# Sparse vector training
sparse_training = [
    ([1, 3], 1),    # Same as [0, 1, 0, 1, 0]
    ([0, 2], 0)     # Same as [1, 0, 1, 0, 0]
perceptron.train(sparse_training, is_sparse=True)

Integration with Preprocessor

from preprocessor import LightPreprocessor

# Setup
preprocessor = LightPreprocessor(max_vocab_size=1000)
perceptron = LightPerceptron(input_size=1000)

# Process texts
texts = [
    "Activate user account",      # Action
    "System status report"        # Non-action
labels = [1, 0]  # Action labels

# Build vocabulary

# Convert to sparse vectors
training_data = [
    (preprocessor.text_to_sparse(text), label)
    for text, label in zip(texts, labels)

# Train and predict
perceptron.train(training_data, is_sparse=True)
result = perceptron.predict_sparse(
    preprocessor.text_to_sparse("New user activation"),

Best Practices


  1. Match input_size to vocabulary size

  2. Use sparse representation for text data

  3. Enable early_stopping for faster training

  4. Normalize input vectors if using dense format


  1. Validate input dimensions

  2. Use sparse prediction for text classification

  3. Handle empty inputs gracefully


  1. Pair with LightPreprocessor

  2. Validate vocabulary size matching

  3. Consider input vector sparsity

Error Handling

  1. Check input dimensions

  2. Validate index ranges

  3. Handle empty feature vectors


To contribute to this perceptron:

  1. Maintain focus on text classification

  2. Keep memory efficiency in mind

  3. Add thorough documentation

  4. Include usage examples

Last updated